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Berkin Akin, James C. Hoe and Franz Franchetti (Proc. IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2014)
HAMLeT: Hardware Accelerated Memory Layout Transform within 3D-stacked DRAM
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Published paper (link to publisher)
Memory layout transformations via data reorganization are very common operations, which occur as a part of the computation or as a performance optimization in data-intensive applications. These operations require inefficient memory access patterns and roundtrip data movement through the memory hierarchy, failing to utilize the performance and energy-efficiency potentials of the memory subsystem. This paper proposes a highbandwidth and energy-efficient hardware accelerated memory layout transform (HAMLeT) system integrated within a 3Dstacked DRAM. HAMLeT uses a low-overhead hardware that exploits the existing infrastructure in the logic layer of 3Dstacked DRAMs, and does not require any changes to the DRAM layers, yet it can fully exploit the locality and parallelism within the stack by implementing efficient layout transform algorithms. We analyze matrix layout transform operations (such as matrix transpose, matrix blocking and 3D matrix rotation) and demonstrate that HAMLeT can achieve close to peak system utilization, offering up to an order of magnitude performance improvement compared to the CPU and GPU memory subsystems which does not employ HAMLeT.
Keywords: Hardware, Memory, Transform