Yevgen Voronenko, Volodymyr Arbatov, Christian Berger, Ronghui Peng, Markus Püschel and Franz Franchetti (Proc. Software Defined Radio (SDR), 2010)
Computer Generation of Platform-Adapted Physical Layer Software
Preprint (310 KB)

In this paper, we describe a program generator for physical layer (PHY) baseband processing in a software-defined radio implementation. The input of the generator is a very high-level platform-independent description of the transmitter and receiver PHY functionality, represented in a domain-specific declarative language called Operator Language (OL). The output is performance-optimized and platform-tuned C code with single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) vector intrinsics and threading directives. The generator performs these optimizations by restructuring the algorithms for the individual components at the OL level before mapping to code. This way known compiler limitations are overcome. We demonstrate the approach and the excellent performance of the generated code on on the IEEE 802.11a (WiFi) receiver and transmitter PHY for all transmission modes.

Software defined radio (SDR), Parallel processing, SIMD vectorization, Beyond transforms