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Tze-Meng Low and Franz Franchetti (Proc. IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE), 2017)
High Assurance Code Generation for Cyber-Physical Systems
Preprint (188 KB)
Published paper (link to publisher)
High Assurance SPIRAL (HA-SPIRAL) is a tool that synthesizes a faithful and high performance implementation from the mathematical specification of a given controller or monitor. At the heart of HA-SPIRAL is a mathematical identity rewrite engine based on a computer algebra system. The rewrite engine refines the mathematical expression provided by a control engineer, through mathematical identities, into an equivalent mathematical expression that can be implemented in code. In this paper, we discuss the use of HA-SPIRAL in generating provably correct and high-performance implementations for different controllers and monitors for autonomous land and air vehicles.
Keywords: Coding/Decoding, High assurance, Cyber-physical systems