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Egner, Sebastian
- Markus Püschel, Sebastian Egner and Thomas Beth
in New Reference Book on Computer Algebra, Eds. J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen, J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen, Springer 2002
- Sebastian Egner, Jeremy Johnson, David Padua, Jianxin Xiong and Markus Püschel
Automatic Derivation and Implementation of Signal Processing Algorithms
ACM SIGSAM Bulletin Communications in Computer Algebra, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 1-19, 2001
- Sebastian Egner and Markus Püschel
Automatic Generation of Fast Discrete Signal Transforms
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 1992-2002, 2001