Douglas F. Jones (Master thesis, Computer Science, Drexel University, 2010)
Data Pump Architecture Simulator and Performance Model
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The Data Pump Architecture (DPA) is a novel non-von-Neumann computer architecture emphasizing efficient use of on-chip SRAM and o ff-chip DRAM bandwidth. The DPA is parameterized by local memory size, memory bandwidth, vector length, and number of compute processors, allowing the architecture con figuration to be balanced for a given set of computations. The Data Pump Architecture Simulator and Performance Model is a functional simulator providing an implementation of the DPA as a software library. Simulation at this level provides the user with the ability to test algorithms for correctness as well as performance. A hardware designer may then use the Simulator as a tool to experimentally determine the e ffects of architecture parameters and software algorithms through performance data provided by the Simulator's model. The bene fit of the approach described here compared to alternatives such as logic/gate level or RTL/HDL software emulation is primarily a reduction in the time needed for 1) a designer to modify and compile a HDL design and 2) to perform the simulation. The Simulator serves as a bridge between the application speci fic hardware and software design. The result is the ability to use the simulator as part of a framework for rapidly investigating the construction of an optimal system architecture for a given set of algorithms. Investigations with the Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT), a prototypical digital signal processing transform, are shown. The SPIRAL ( code generation system is used to explore the space of WHT algorithms while the Simulator is used to explore the performance and trade-o ffs of di erent DPA configurations.

Data pump architecture (DPA)