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N. Kitai, Daisuke Takahashi, Franz Franchetti, T. Katagiri, S. Ohshima and T. Nagai (Proc. High Performance Computing Conference (HPCC), Japan, 2021)
Adaptation of A64 Scalable Vector Extension for Spiral
Preprint (560 KB)
In this paper, we propose an adaptation of the A64 Scalable Vector Extension for SPIRAL to generate discrete Fourier transform (DFT) implementations. The performance of our method is evaluated, using the Supercomputer “Flow” at Nagoya University. The A64 scalable vector extension applied DFT codes are up to 1.98-times faster than scalar DFT codes and up to 3.63-times higher in terms of the SIMD instruction rate.
Keywords: SPIRAL, Arm SVE