
Filtered as: all types - all years - author: Pokharel, R. - all keywords
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bibtex list 

Conference (abstract reviewed) 

  1. T. Ozturk, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Thom Popovici, R. Suter, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
    Spectral Full-Field Deformation Modeling of Polycrystalline Materials
    submitted for publication
  2. T. Ozturk, Thom Popovici, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
    Fast Fourier Transform Based Mechanical Behavior Formulation: Optimized Implementation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Method
    Proc. Materials Science & Technology, 2014
  3. T. Ozturk, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Thom Popovici, Franz Franchetti, R. Suter and Anthony Rollett
    Performance Evaluation, Algorithm Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of the Spectral Full-Field Deformation Modeling of Polycrystalline Materials
    submitted for publication
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Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007