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- Mark Blanco, S. McMillan and Tze-Meng Low
Delayed Asynchronous Iterative Graph Algorithms
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2021
- P. Oostema and Franz Franchetti
Leveraging High Dimensional Spatial Graph Embedding as a Heuristic for Graph Algorithms
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Parallel / Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization (PDCO), 2021
- Mark Blanco, S. McMillan and Tze-Meng Low
Towards an Objective Metric for the Performance of Exact Triangle Count
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2020
- Mark Blanco, Tze-Meng Low and Kyungjoo Kim
Exploration of Fine-Grained Parallelism for Load Balancing Eager K-truss on GPU and CPU
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2019
- Tze-Meng Low, Daniele G. Spampinato, A. Kutuluru, U. Sridhar, Thom Popovici, Franz Franchetti and S. McMillan
Linear Algebraic Formulation of Edge-centric K-truss Algorithms with Adjacency Matrices
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2018