
Filtered as: all types - all years - all authors - keyword: Dimensionaless FFT
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Johnson, Jeremy 

  1. Pinit Kumhom, Jeremy Johnson and Prawat Nagvajara
    Design, optimization, and implementation of a universal FFT processor
    Proc. IEEE ASIC/SOC Conference, IEEE, pp. 182-186, 2000

Kumhom, Pinit 

  1. Pinit Kumhom, Jeremy Johnson and Prawat Nagvajara
    Design, optimization, and implementation of a universal FFT processor
    Proc. IEEE ASIC/SOC Conference, IEEE, pp. 182-186, 2000

Nagvajara, Prawat 

  1. Pinit Kumhom, Jeremy Johnson and Prawat Nagvajara
    Design, optimization, and implementation of a universal FFT processor
    Proc. IEEE ASIC/SOC Conference, IEEE, pp. 182-186, 2000

Shenoy, Pranab 

  1. Pranab Shenoy
    Universal FFT Core Generator
    Master thesis, Computer Science, Drexel University, 2007
Publication interface designed and implemented by Patra Pantupat, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, and Markus Püschel
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007