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Blanco, Mark 

  1. Mark Blanco, S. McMillan and Tze-Meng Low
    Towards an Objective Metric for the Performance of Exact Triangle Count
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2020
  2. Mark Blanco, Tze-Meng Low and Kyungjoo Kim
    Exploration of Fine-Grained Parallelism for Load Balancing Eager K-truss on GPU and CPU
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2019

Cui, Tao 

  1. Tao Cui, R. Yang, Gabriela Hug and Franz Franchetti
    Accelerated AC Contingency Calculation on Commodity Multi-core SIMD CPUs
    Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES-GM), 2014
  2. Tao Cui and Franz Franchetti
    Optimized Parallel Distribution Load Flow Solver on Commodity Multi-core CPU
    Proc. IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2012

Franchetti, Franz 

  1. Jiyuan Zhang, Yi Lu, Daniele G. Spampinato and Franz Franchetti
    FESIA: A Fast and Efficient Set Intersection Approach on Modern CPUs
    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2020
  2. Jiyuan Zhang, Daniele G. Spampinato and Franz Franchetti
    FESIA: A Fast and SIMD-Efficient Set Intersection Approach on Modern CPUs
    North East Database Day (NEDB), 2020, Poster
  3. Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
    Algorithm Design for Large Scale FFT-Based Simulations on CPU-GPU Platforms
    , 2018
  4. Tao Cui, R. Yang, Gabriela Hug and Franz Franchetti
    Accelerated AC Contingency Calculation on Commodity Multi-core SIMD CPUs
    Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES-GM), 2014
  5. Tao Cui and Franz Franchetti
    Optimized Parallel Distribution Load Flow Solver on Commodity Multi-core CPU
    Proc. IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2012

Hug, Gabriela 

  1. Tao Cui, R. Yang, Gabriela Hug and Franz Franchetti
    Accelerated AC Contingency Calculation on Commodity Multi-core SIMD CPUs
    Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES-GM), 2014

Kim, Kyungjoo 

  1. Mark Blanco, Tze-Meng Low and Kyungjoo Kim
    Exploration of Fine-Grained Parallelism for Load Balancing Eager K-truss on GPU and CPU
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2019

Kovacevic, Jelena 

  1. Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
    Algorithm Design for Large Scale FFT-Based Simulations on CPU-GPU Platforms
    , 2018

Kulkarni, Anuva 

  1. Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
    Algorithm Design for Large Scale FFT-Based Simulations on CPU-GPU Platforms
    , 2018

Low, Tze-Meng 

  1. Mark Blanco, S. McMillan and Tze-Meng Low
    Towards an Objective Metric for the Performance of Exact Triangle Count
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2020
  2. Mark Blanco, Tze-Meng Low and Kyungjoo Kim
    Exploration of Fine-Grained Parallelism for Load Balancing Eager K-truss on GPU and CPU
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2019

Lu, Yi 

  1. Jiyuan Zhang, Yi Lu, Daniele G. Spampinato and Franz Franchetti
    FESIA: A Fast and Efficient Set Intersection Approach on Modern CPUs
    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2020

McMillan, S. 

  1. Mark Blanco, S. McMillan and Tze-Meng Low
    Towards an Objective Metric for the Performance of Exact Triangle Count
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2020

Spampinato, Daniele G. 

  1. Jiyuan Zhang, Yi Lu, Daniele G. Spampinato and Franz Franchetti
    FESIA: A Fast and Efficient Set Intersection Approach on Modern CPUs
    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2020
  2. Jiyuan Zhang, Daniele G. Spampinato and Franz Franchetti
    FESIA: A Fast and SIMD-Efficient Set Intersection Approach on Modern CPUs
    North East Database Day (NEDB), 2020, Poster

Yang, R. 

  1. Tao Cui, R. Yang, Gabriela Hug and Franz Franchetti
    Accelerated AC Contingency Calculation on Commodity Multi-core SIMD CPUs
    Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES-GM), 2014

Zhang, Jiyuan 

  1. Jiyuan Zhang
    Accelerating the Motifs of Machine Learning Applications on Modern Processors
    PhD. thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2020
  2. Jiyuan Zhang, Yi Lu, Daniele G. Spampinato and Franz Franchetti
    FESIA: A Fast and Efficient Set Intersection Approach on Modern CPUs
    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2020
  3. Jiyuan Zhang, Daniele G. Spampinato and Franz Franchetti
    FESIA: A Fast and SIMD-Efficient Set Intersection Approach on Modern CPUs
    North East Database Day (NEDB), 2020, Poster
Publication interface designed and implemented by Patra Pantupat, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, and Markus Püschel
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007