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Berger, Christian 

  1. Robert Koutsoyannis, Peter A. Milder, Christian Berger, Madeleine Glick, James C. Hoe and Markus Püschel
    Improving Fixed-Point Accuracy of FFT Cores in O-OFDM Systems
    Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012
  2. Qiuling Zhu, Christian Berger, E. L. Turner, Lawrence Pileggi and Franz Franchetti
    Local Interpolation-based Polar Format SAR: Algorithm, Hardware Implementation and Design Automation
    Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2012
  3. Qiuling Zhu, Christian Berger, E. L. Turner, Lawrence Pileggi and Franz Franchetti
    Polar Format Synthetic Aperture Radar in Energy Efficient Application-Specific Logic-in-Memory
    Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 1557-1560, 2012
  4. Qiuling Zhu, E. L. Turner, Christian Berger, Lawrence Pileggi and Franz Franchetti
    Application-Specific Logic-in-Memory for Polar Format Synthetic Aperture Radar
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2011
  5. Christian Berger, Volodymyr Arbatov, Yevgen Voronenko, Franz Franchetti and Markus Püschel
    Real-Time Software Implementation of an IEEE 802.11a Baseband Receiver on Intel Multicore
    Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 1693-1696 , 2011
  6. Yevgen Voronenko, Volodymyr Arbatov, Christian Berger, Ronghui Peng, Markus Püschel and Franz Franchetti
    Computer Generation of Platform-Adapted Physical Layer Software
    Proc. Software Defined Radio (SDR), 2010
  7. Rachid Bouziane, Peter A. Milder, Robert Koutsoyannis, Yannis Benlachtar, Christian Berger, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel, Madeleine Glick and Robert I. Killey
    Design Studies for an ASIC Implementation of an Optical OFDM Transceiver
    Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), pp. 1-3, 2010
  8. Yannis Benlachtar, Rachid Bouziane, Robert I. Killey, Christian Berger, Peter A. Milder, Robert Koutsoyannis, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel and Madeleine Glick
    Optical OFDM for the Data Center
    Proc. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pp. 1-4, 2010
Publication interface designed and implemented by Patra Pantupat, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, and Markus Püschel
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007