
Filtered as: all types - all years - all authors - keyword: Energy-efficient
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  1. Qi Guo, Tze-Meng Low, N. Alachiotis, Berkin Akin, Lawrence Pileggi, James C. Hoe and Franz Franchetti
    Enabling Portable Energy Efficiency with Memory Accelerated Library
    Proc. MICRO, 2015
  2. M. M. Sabry Aly, M. Gao, G. Hills, C.-S. Lee, G. Pitner, M. M. Shulaker, T. F. Wu, M. Asheghi, J. Bokor, Franz Franchetti, K. E. Goodson, C. Kozyrakis, I. Markov, K. Olukoton, Lawrence Pileggi, E. Pop, J. Rabaey, C. Re, H.-S. Wong and S. Mitra
    Energy-Efficient Abundant-Data Computing: The N3XT 1,000x
    Computer, Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 24-33, 2015


  1. Qiuling Zhu, Christian Berger, E. L. Turner, Lawrence Pileggi and Franz Franchetti
    Polar Format Synthetic Aperture Radar in Energy Efficient Application-Specific Logic-in-Memory
    Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 1557-1560, 2012
  2. Qiuling Zhu, Lawrence Pileggi and Franz Franchetti
    Smart Memory Synthesis for Energy-Efficient Computed Tomography Reconstruction
    Proc. SRC TECHCON, 2012
Publication interface designed and implemented by Patra Pantupat, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, and Markus Püschel
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007