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Numerical kernels we consider 

  1. Thom Popovici, Franz Franchetti and Tze-Meng Low
    Mixed Data Layout Kernels for Vectorized Complex Arithmetic
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), IEEE, pp. 1-7, 2017
  2. Daniele G. Spampinato and Markus Püschel
    A Basic Linear Algebra Compiler
    Proc. International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), pp. 23-32, 2014
  3. Frédéric de Mesmay
    On the Computer Generation of Adaptive Numerical Libraries
    PhD. thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2010
  4. Daniel McFarlin, Franz Franchetti and Markus Püschel
    Automatic Generation of Vectorized Fast Fourier Transform Libraries for the Larrabee and AVX Instruction Set Extension
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2009
  5. Daniel McFarlin, Franz Franchetti, José M. F. Moura and Markus Püschel
    High Performance Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation On Commodity Architectures
    Proc. SPIE Conference on Defense, Security, and Sensing, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7337, pp. 733708, 2009
  6. Franz Franchetti, Frédéric de Mesmay, Daniel McFarlin and Markus Püschel
    Operator Language: A Program Generation Framework for Fast Kernels
    Proc. IFIP Working Conference on Domain Specific Languages (DSL WC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 5658, pp. 385-410, 2009
  7. Yevgen Voronenko and Markus Püschel
    Multiplierless Multiple Constant Multiplication
    ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2007
  8. Sung-Chul Han, Franz Franchetti and Markus Püschel
    Program Generation for the All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem
    Proc. Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), pp. 222-232, 2006
  9. Roland Wunderlich, Markus Püschel and James C. Hoe
    Accelerating Blocked Matrix-Matrix Multiplication using a Software-Managed Memory Hierarchy with DMA
    Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2005
  10. Thammanit Pipatsrisawat, Aca Gacic, Franz Franchetti, Markus Püschel and José M. F. Moura
    Performance Analysis of the Filtered Backprojection Image Reconstruction Algorithms
    Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 5, pp. 153-156, 2005
  11. Markus Püschel, José M. F. Moura, Jeremy Johnson, David Padua, Manuela Veloso, Bryan Singer, Jianxin Xiong, Franz Franchetti, Aca Gacic, Yevgen Voronenko, Kang Chen, Robert W. Johnson and Nicholas Rizzolo
    SPIRAL: Code Generation for DSP Transforms
    Proceedings of the IEEE, special issue on ``Program Generation, Optimization, and Adaptation'', Vol. 93, No. 2, pp. 232- 275, 2005
  12. Xiaoming Li, María J. Garzarán and David Padua
    A Dynamically Tuned Sorting Library
    Proc. International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), pp. 111-124, 2004
  13. Aca Gacic
    Automatic Implementation and Platform Adaptation of Discrete Filtering and Wavelet Algorithms
    PhD. thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004
Publication interface designed and implemented by Patra Pantupat, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, and Markus Püschel
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007