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Fast Fourier Transform
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Akin, Berkin
- Berkin Akin, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
FFTs with Near-Optimal Memory Access Through Block Data Layouts: Algorithm, Architecture and Design Automation
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2015
- Berkin Akin, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
FFTs with Near-Optimal Memory Access Through Block Data Layouts
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014
- Berkin Akin, Peter A. Milder, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
Memory Bandwidth Efficient Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and Implementation for Large Problem Sizes
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2012
Almasi, G.
- Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko and G. Almasi
Automatic Generation of the HPC Challenges Global FFT Benchmark for BlueGene/P
Proc. High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR), 2012
Angelopoulos, C.
- C. Angelopoulos, Franz Franchetti and Markus Püschel
Automatic Generation of FFT Libraries for GPUs
NVIDIA Research Summit at the GPU Technology Conference, 2012
Broderick, P.
- B. Van Straalen, P. Colella, Franz Franchetti and P. Broderick
FFTX: Next-Generation Open-Source Software for Fast Fourier Transforms
to appear in Proc. Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting (ECPAM), 2023
Cai, M.
- J. Nguyen, M. Cai, Z. Zuo, L. Tang, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
LIMA: Hardware for FFT based Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Canning, A.
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
Chen, S.
- L. Tang, S. Chen, K. Harisrikanth, G. Xu, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
A High Throughput Hardware Accelerator for FFTW Codelets: A First Look
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Colella, P.
- B. Van Straalen, P. Colella, Franz Franchetti and P. Broderick
FFTX: Next-Generation Open-Source Software for Fast Fourier Transforms
to appear in Proc. Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting (ECPAM), 2023
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
Franchetti, Franz
- B. Van Straalen, P. Colella, Franz Franchetti and P. Broderick
FFTX: Next-Generation Open-Source Software for Fast Fourier Transforms
to appear in Proc. Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting (ECPAM), 2023
- Anuva Kulkarni, Jelena Kovacevic and Franz Franchetti
A Framework for Low Communication Approaches for Large Scale 3D Convolution
Proc. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2022
- L. Tang, S. Chen, K. Harisrikanth, G. Xu, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
A High Throughput Hardware Accelerator for FFTW Codelets: A First Look
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
- J. Nguyen, M. Cai, Z. Zuo, L. Tang, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
LIMA: Hardware for FFT based Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
- Scott Mionis, Franz Franchetti and J. Larkin
Optimized Quantum Circuit Generation with SPIRAL
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2021
- Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
Algorithm Design for Large Scale FFT-Based Simulations on CPU-GPU Platforms
, 2018
- Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
Algorithm Design for Large Scale Parallel FFT-Based Simulations on Heterogeneous Platforms
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2018
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
- Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low and Franz Franchetti
Large Bandwidth-Efficient FFTs on Multicore and Multi-Socket Systems
Proc. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), IEEE, 2018
- G. Xu, Tze-Meng Low, James C. Hoe and Franz Franchetti
Optimizing FFT Resource Efficiency of FPGA using High-Level Synthesis
High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2017
- Berkin Akin, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
FFTs with Near-Optimal Memory Access Through Block Data Layouts: Algorithm, Architecture and Design Automation
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2015
- Thom Popovici, F. Russell, K. Wilkinson, C-K. Skylaris, P. H. J. Kelly and Franz Franchetti
Generating Optimized Fourier Interpolation Routines for Density Functional Theory Using SPIRAL
Proc. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC), 2015
- T. Ozturk, Thom Popovici, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
Fast Fourier Transform Based Mechanical Behavior Formulation: Optimized Implementation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Method
Proc. Materials Science & Technology, 2014
- Berkin Akin, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
FFTs with Near-Optimal Memory Access Through Block Data Layouts
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014
- C. Angelopoulos, Franz Franchetti and Markus Püschel
Automatic Generation of FFT Libraries for GPUs
NVIDIA Research Summit at the GPU Technology Conference, 2012
- Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko and G. Almasi
Automatic Generation of the HPC Challenges Global FFT Benchmark for BlueGene/P
Proc. High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR), 2012
- Berkin Akin, Peter A. Milder, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
Memory Bandwidth Efficient Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and Implementation for Large Problem Sizes
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2012
- Lingchuan Meng, Jeremy Johnson, Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Marc Moreno Maza and Yuzhen Xie
Spiral-Generated Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO), pp. 169-170, 2010
- Franz Franchetti
A Portable Short Vector Version of FFTW
Proc. IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vol. 2, pp. 1539-1548, 2003
- Franz Franchetti, F. Kaltenberger and Christoph W. Ueberhuber
FFT Kernels with FMA Utilization
Proc. APLIMAT Conference, pp. 333-339, 2002
- Franz Franchetti, H. Karner, Stefan Kral and Christoph W. Ueberhuber
Architecture Independent Short Vector FFTs
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 2, pp. 1109-1112, 2001
- Franz Franchetti
Short Vector FFTs
Master thesis, Vienna University of Technology, 2000
Franusich, M.
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
Gong, Z.
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Harisrikanth, K.
- L. Tang, S. Chen, K. Harisrikanth, G. Xu, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
A High Throughput Hardware Accelerator for FFTW Codelets: A First Look
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Hoe, James C.
- G. Xu, Tze-Meng Low, James C. Hoe and Franz Franchetti
Optimizing FFT Resource Efficiency of FPGA using High-Level Synthesis
High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2017
- Berkin Akin, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
FFTs with Near-Optimal Memory Access Through Block Data Layouts: Algorithm, Architecture and Design Automation
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2015
- Berkin Akin, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
FFTs with Near-Optimal Memory Access Through Block Data Layouts
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014
- Berkin Akin, Peter A. Milder, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
Memory Bandwidth Efficient Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and Implementation for Large Problem Sizes
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2012
Johnson, Jeremy
- Lingchuan Meng and Jeremy Johnson
Automatic Parallel Library Generation for General-Size Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Springer, pp. 243-256, 2013
- Lingchuan Meng, Jeremy Johnson, Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Marc Moreno Maza and Yuzhen Xie
Spiral-Generated Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO), pp. 169-170, 2010
Kaltenberger, F.
- Franz Franchetti, F. Kaltenberger and Christoph W. Ueberhuber
FFT Kernels with FMA Utilization
Proc. APLIMAT Conference, pp. 333-339, 2002
Karner, H.
- Franz Franchetti, H. Karner, Stefan Kral and Christoph W. Ueberhuber
Architecture Independent Short Vector FFTs
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 2, pp. 1109-1112, 2001
Kelly, P. H. J.
- Thom Popovici, F. Russell, K. Wilkinson, C-K. Skylaris, P. H. J. Kelly and Franz Franchetti
Generating Optimized Fourier Interpolation Routines for Density Functional Theory Using SPIRAL
Proc. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC), 2015
Kovacevic, Jelena
- Anuva Kulkarni, Jelena Kovacevic and Franz Franchetti
A Framework for Low Communication Approaches for Large Scale 3D Convolution
Proc. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2022
- Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
Algorithm Design for Large Scale FFT-Based Simulations on CPU-GPU Platforms
, 2018
- Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
Algorithm Design for Large Scale Parallel FFT-Based Simulations on Heterogeneous Platforms
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2018
Kral, Stefan
- Franz Franchetti, H. Karner, Stefan Kral and Christoph W. Ueberhuber
Architecture Independent Short Vector FFTs
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 2, pp. 1109-1112, 2001
Kulkarni, Anuva
- Anuva Kulkarni, Jelena Kovacevic and Franz Franchetti
A Framework for Low Communication Approaches for Large Scale 3D Convolution
Proc. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2022
- Anuva Kulkarni
An Approach for Large-Scale Three-Dimensional FFT-Based Approximate Convolutions on GPUs
PhD. thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2020
- Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
Algorithm Design for Large Scale FFT-Based Simulations on CPU-GPU Platforms
, 2018
- Anuva Kulkarni, Franz Franchetti and Jelena Kovacevic
Algorithm Design for Large Scale Parallel FFT-Based Simulations on Heterogeneous Platforms
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2018
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
Larkin, J.
- Scott Mionis, Franz Franchetti and J. Larkin
Optimized Quantum Circuit Generation with SPIRAL
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2021
Low, Tze-Meng
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
- Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low and Franz Franchetti
Large Bandwidth-Efficient FFTs on Multicore and Multi-Socket Systems
Proc. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), IEEE, 2018
- G. Xu, Tze-Meng Low, James C. Hoe and Franz Franchetti
Optimizing FFT Resource Efficiency of FPGA using High-Level Synthesis
High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2017
Mai, K.
- L. Tang, S. Chen, K. Harisrikanth, G. Xu, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
A High Throughput Hardware Accelerator for FFTW Codelets: A First Look
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
- J. Nguyen, M. Cai, Z. Zuo, L. Tang, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
LIMA: Hardware for FFT based Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Mankad, H.
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Maza, Marc Moreno
- Lingchuan Meng, Jeremy Johnson, Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Marc Moreno Maza and Yuzhen Xie
Spiral-Generated Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO), pp. 169-170, 2010
McCorquodale, P.
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
Meng, Lingchuan
- Lingchuan Meng and Jeremy Johnson
Automatic Parallel Library Generation for General-Size Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Springer, pp. 243-256, 2013
- Lingchuan Meng, Jeremy Johnson, Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Marc Moreno Maza and Yuzhen Xie
Spiral-Generated Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO), pp. 169-170, 2010
Milder, Peter A.
- Berkin Akin, Peter A. Milder, Franz Franchetti and James C. Hoe
Memory Bandwidth Efficient Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and Implementation for Large Problem Sizes
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2012
Mionis, Scott
- Scott Mionis, Franz Franchetti and J. Larkin
Optimized Quantum Circuit Generation with SPIRAL
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2021
Ngaw, M.
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Nguyen, J.
- J. Nguyen, M. Cai, Z. Zuo, L. Tang, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
LIMA: Hardware for FFT based Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Ozturk, T.
- T. Ozturk, Thom Popovici, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
Fast Fourier Transform Based Mechanical Behavior Formulation: Optimized Implementation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Method
Proc. Materials Science & Technology, 2014
Pokharel, R.
- T. Ozturk, Thom Popovici, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
Fast Fourier Transform Based Mechanical Behavior Formulation: Optimized Implementation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Method
Proc. Materials Science & Technology, 2014
Popovici, Thom
- Thom Popovici
An Approach to Specifying and Automatically Optimizing Fourier Transform Based Operations
PhD. thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2018
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
- Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low and Franz Franchetti
Large Bandwidth-Efficient FFTs on Multicore and Multi-Socket Systems
Proc. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), IEEE, 2018
- Thom Popovici, F. Russell, K. Wilkinson, C-K. Skylaris, P. H. J. Kelly and Franz Franchetti
Generating Optimized Fourier Interpolation Routines for Density Functional Theory Using SPIRAL
Proc. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC), 2015
- T. Ozturk, Thom Popovici, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
Fast Fourier Transform Based Mechanical Behavior Formulation: Optimized Implementation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Method
Proc. Materials Science & Technology, 2014
Püschel, Markus
- Francois Serre and Markus Püschel
Optimal Circuits for Streamed Linear Permutations using RAM
Proc. FPGA, pp. 215-223, 2016
- Jörn Schumacher and Markus Püschel
High-performance sparse fast Fourier transforms
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), pp. 1-6, 2014
- C. Angelopoulos, Franz Franchetti and Markus Püschel
Automatic Generation of FFT Libraries for GPUs
NVIDIA Research Summit at the GPU Technology Conference, 2012
Rivera, Joao
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Rollett, Anthony
- T. Ozturk, Thom Popovici, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
Fast Fourier Transform Based Mechanical Behavior Formulation: Optimized Implementation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Method
Proc. Materials Science & Technology, 2014
Russell, F.
- Thom Popovici, F. Russell, K. Wilkinson, C-K. Skylaris, P. H. J. Kelly and Franz Franchetti
Generating Optimized Fourier Interpolation Routines for Density Functional Theory Using SPIRAL
Proc. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC), 2015
Schumacher, Jörn
- Jörn Schumacher and Markus Püschel
High-performance sparse fast Fourier transforms
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), pp. 1-6, 2014
Serre, Francois
- Francois Serre and Markus Püschel
Optimal Circuits for Streamed Linear Permutations using RAM
Proc. FPGA, pp. 215-223, 2016
Skylaris, C-K.
- Thom Popovici, F. Russell, K. Wilkinson, C-K. Skylaris, P. H. J. Kelly and Franz Franchetti
Generating Optimized Fourier Interpolation Routines for Density Functional Theory Using SPIRAL
Proc. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC), 2015
Spampinato, Daniele G.
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
Stein, C.
- T. Ozturk, Thom Popovici, C. Stein, R. Pokharel, Franz Franchetti and Anthony Rollett
Fast Fourier Transform Based Mechanical Behavior Formulation: Optimized Implementation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Method
Proc. Materials Science & Technology, 2014
Tang, E.
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Tang, L.
- L. Tang, S. Chen, K. Harisrikanth, G. Xu, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
A High Throughput Hardware Accelerator for FFTW Codelets: A First Look
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
- J. Nguyen, M. Cai, Z. Zuo, L. Tang, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
LIMA: Hardware for FFT based Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Ueberhuber, Christoph W.
- Franz Franchetti, F. Kaltenberger and Christoph W. Ueberhuber
FFT Kernels with FMA Utilization
Proc. APLIMAT Conference, pp. 333-339, 2002
- Franz Franchetti, H. Karner, Stefan Kral and Christoph W. Ueberhuber
Architecture Independent Short Vector FFTs
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 2, pp. 1109-1112, 2001
Van Straalen, B.
- B. Van Straalen, P. Colella, Franz Franchetti and P. Broderick
FFTX: Next-Generation Open-Source Software for Fast Fourier Transforms
to appear in Proc. Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting (ECPAM), 2023
- Franz Franchetti, Daniele G. Spampinato, Anuva Kulkarni, Thom Popovici, Tze-Meng Low, M. Franusich, A. Canning, P. McCorquodale, B. Van Straalen and P. Colella
FFTX and SpectralPack: A First Look
Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2018
Voronenko, Yevgen
- Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko and G. Almasi
Automatic Generation of the HPC Challenges Global FFT Benchmark for BlueGene/P
Proc. High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR), 2012
- Lingchuan Meng, Jeremy Johnson, Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Marc Moreno Maza and Yuzhen Xie
Spiral-Generated Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO), pp. 169-170, 2010
Wilkinson, K.
- Thom Popovici, F. Russell, K. Wilkinson, C-K. Skylaris, P. H. J. Kelly and Franz Franchetti
Generating Optimized Fourier Interpolation Routines for Density Functional Theory Using SPIRAL
Proc. Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC), 2015
Xie, Yuzhen
- Lingchuan Meng, Jeremy Johnson, Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Marc Moreno Maza and Yuzhen Xie
Spiral-Generated Modular FFT Algorithms
Proc. Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO), pp. 169-170, 2010
Xu, G.
- L. Tang, S. Chen, K. Harisrikanth, G. Xu, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
A High Throughput Hardware Accelerator for FFTW Codelets: A First Look
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
- G. Xu, Tze-Meng Low, James C. Hoe and Franz Franchetti
Optimizing FFT Resource Efficiency of FPGA using High-Level Synthesis
High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2017
Zhu, N.
- Z. Gong, N. Zhu, M. Ngaw, Joao Rivera, L. Tang, E. Tang, H. Mankad and Franz Franchetti
Interval Arithmetic-based FFT for Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022
Zuo, Z.
- J. Nguyen, M. Cai, Z. Zuo, L. Tang, K. Mai and Franz Franchetti
LIMA: Hardware for FFT based Large Integer Multiplication
Proc. High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), 2022